Town Planning

Town Planning

Monday 18 November 2013



1.0 Introduction

Residence@Southbay located in the Jalan Batu Maung district in Penang. Residence@Southbay Located at the new landmark known as Southbay City, Southbay Residence comprises 3-storey lifestyle superlink. Penang’s 1st gated and guarded Superlink Home with a dedicated clubhouse surrounded  by lush landscapes of tropical gardens for the enjoyment of residents.

Residence@Southbay comprises 3-storey lifestyle superlink homes with large built-ups. A resort style clubhouse, recreational and community facilities will be built for the enjoyment of residents. This is Penang’s 1st gated and guarded Superlink Home with a dedicated clubhouse surrounded by lush landscapes of tropical gardens. Homes that invite you to a world with a luxurious difference - Residence@Southbay. Created to reflect an island resort, this enclave lets you enjoy the abundant beauty of its natural setting.

2.0 Background And Information

3.0 Objectives of Study

        i.             To study concepts that have been made by the developer,
      ii.             To evaluate concepts that have been made by the developer,
    iii.              To study the elements that support the concept of 'Gated And Guarded Enclave'.

4.0 Area Of Study

5.0 Concept

Residence@Southbay with the concept“Gated and Guarded  Enclave”. Developers Mah Sing Group try to bring the concept to the buyer stepping into the pocket Residence@Southbay and change your world.  A  resort home development that invites you to slow down and enjoy the abundant beauty of its natural setting. With state-of-the-artsecurity, Residence@ Southbay upholds your privacy and safety.

Developer  Mah Sing Group said, Residence@Southbay is hidden in a quiet corner of the bustling Penang Island lie homes that invite you to a world with a luxurious difference - Residence@Southbay. Created to reflect an island resort, this enclave lets you enjoy the abundant beauty of its natural setting with state-of-the-art security that upholds your privacy and safety.The triple-storey homes are well-crafted to allow in the lush outdoors while giving a sense of spaciousness that enhances living comforts.

Private Clubhouse. The 1st of its kind in a gated and guarded development – the private “clubhouse” affords a place to relax, mingle or entertain guests. Your wellbeing is taken care of with the availability of a modern gym, swimming pools, and other lifestyle offerings of a perfect modern resort home.

5.1 The Definition Of The Concept

Gated : The gated residence were the walled neighbourhoods  for renters. Gated communities combine common property like sport and recreation facilities and all kind of infrastructures, and commonly shared services like security and garden personnel with the individual private property of the residents , source The Fortification of Living Space by Eike Christian Meuter.

Guarded : Means areas controlled by security guards to ensure the safety of inmates and privacy control. residential area may also employ security staff CCTV (closed circuit television) systems to monitor access, source The Fortification of Living Space by Eike Christian Meuter.

Enclave : An area of a country, region or city that is occupied by people ethnically or culturally distinct from their neighbor, soucre : Problems and Prospectsby Stroma Cole, Nigel Morgan

5.2 The Element Of The Concept.

The element of the concept have 3 :

1.      Luxurious Residences.
2.     State of The Art Security. Privacy and safety residences
3.     Perfect Lifestyle : to create a clear definition of living, and living well

6.0 Evaluation Of Concept

i) Gated :

Gated : The gated residence were the walled neighbourhoods  for renters. Gated communities combine common property like sport and recreation facilities and all kind of infrastructures, and commonly shared services like security and garden personnel with the individual private property of the residents , source The Fortification of Living Space by Eike Christian Meuter.

From the definition, the evaluation of concept gated is apply in the Southbay@Residence. For the imformation , Southbay@Residence is the first gated residence at Batu Maung that contains 288 unit 3 Storey Superlink Homes. From the layout at figure 10.0 the layout of study area of residence at Southbay@Residence, the area is gated area. So that, the concept of gated is apply is study area. In the gated communities at study area combine common property like sport, recreation facilities, swimming pool with wading, gymnasium, community hall, reading hall at private club house and all kind of infrastructures, and commonly shared services like security that conduct at the entrance of Southbay@Residence.

ii ) Guarded

Guarded : Means areas controlled by security guards to ensure the safety of inmates and privacy control. residential area may also employ security staff CCTV (closed circuit television) systems to monitor access, source The Fortification of Living Space by Eike Christian Meuter.

From the layout at figure 10.0 the layout of study area of residence at Southbay@Residence, the area is guarded area that controlling by the security guard at entrance of Southbay@Residence  and 24 hour cctv. Besides that, the study area have guardhouse with a boom gate, 24 hour patrol service, 6ft. high perimeter fencing and also have smart home features with alarm for individual home.

 If the people want come or visit the residence area, the security guard will take the my card and also car  license to come into the residence except the owner of the house. Its for more privacy and security for tenant.

iii) Enclave

Enclave : An area of a country, region or city that is occupied by people ethnically or culturally distinct from their neighbor, soucre : Problems and Prospectsby Stroma Cole, Nigel Morgan.

From the layout at figure 11.0 the landuse of study area of residence at Southbay@Residence, the area is enclave that means the only 1 area thats means Southbay@Residence  is occupied by people ethnically or culturally distinct from their neighbor.  From the layout, we can see the housing area that have gated and guarded area compare to housing besides the study area  is Taman Desa Batu  Maung, Taman Sri Indah, Taman Ipeng and Taman Muhibbah. From the layout, the concept of enclave in apply in this concept.

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