Title :
Parking Survey
Study Case : Schools of Languages,Literacies and Translations,
Universiti Sains
This study aims to review the level of
demand and supply for parking areas as needed at Schools of Languages,
Literacies and Translations, Universiti Sains Malaysia Penang. This study will identify
issues and problems related to parking and level of provision of car parking
facilities to meet the needs of consumers. This study
consists of five divisions. The first
section describes advances and goals to be achieved. Part two describes the theoretical research
or scientific literature that will explain in detail about the study. The third part is about background of the
study area involving key plan, site plan and location plan. Part four will show the analysis and findings.
The fifth part will submit proposals that are expected to help in repairing
problems found and a guide to develop new ideas on parking problems.
1.1 Introduction
to the Survey
the progress of the Malaysian population requires own vehicle to the
destination quickly and comfortably. The problems that are often encountered
where the rate of parking space demand higher than supply parking area.
demand for parking spaces is increasing due to some factors. One of those is
increase in the number of private car ownership. People here are likely prefer
private transportation mode rather than public transportation becouse the
public transportation services are not satisfied.
parking demand survey is to get the information, problems and identify whether
the parking adequate or not. The survey was held at School of Languages,
Literacies and Translation.
is an important campus resource. A rich and vital academic community is highly
dependent on the interactions among faculty, students and researchers.
Convenient campus access facilitates that interaction; and parking plays a key
role in supporting access. For some faculty members, especially, adequate
parking is critical in creating and maintaining campus intellectual lifethe
campus as a place to come frequently and to spend long periods of time.
the same time, parking poses difficult land use, sustainability and cost
questions, especially for campuses like Universiti Sains Malaysia with limited
available land and challenged budgets.
1.1 Importance
0f Parking
adequate parking area, comfortable and safe as a convenience to the user to be
able to leave their vehicles with security. Shortage of parking is not able to
be resolved by the provision of a new parking lot without any support measures.
Therefore, a review of parking standards for all new towns in Peninsular
Malaysia needs to be done.
2.0 AIM
2.1 Study
To Review the level of
demand and supply for parking areas as needed.
To give the suggestion
for the solution of problem.
To give some idea to
solve some problem stated.
2.2 Objectives
of The Study
Provision of car
parking layout plan of systematic
Identify issues and
problems related to parking
Identify the level of
provision of car parking facilities to meet the needs of consumers.
3.1. Overview
is one of the major problems that is created by the increasing road traffic. It
is an impact of transport development. The availability of less space in areas
has increased the demand for parking space. This affects the mode choice also.
3.2 Parking Surveys
surveys are conducted to collect the above said parking statistics. The most
common parking surveys conducted are in-out survey, fixed period sampling and
license plate method of survey.
In-out survey: In this survey, the occupancy count in the selected parking lot
is taken at the beginning. Then the number of vehicles that enter the parking
lot for a particular time interval is counted. The number of vehicles that
leave the parking lot is also taken. The final occupancy in the parking lot is
also taken. Here the labor required is very less. Only one person may be
enough. But we wont get any data regarding the time duration for which a
particular vehicle used that parking lot. Parking duration and turn over is not
obtained. Hence we cannot estimate the parking fare from this survey.
Fixed period sampling: This is almost similar to in-out survey. All vehicles
are counted at the beginning of the survey. Then after a fixed time interval
that may vary between 15 minutes to i hour, the count is again taken. Here
there are chances of missing the number of vehicles that were parked for a
short duration.
License plate method of survey: This results in the most accurate and realistic
data. In this case of survey, every parking stall is monitored at a continuous
interval of 15 minutes or so and the license plate number is noted down. This
will give the data regarding the duration for which a particular vehicle was
using the parking bay. This will help in calculating the fare because fare is
estimated based on the duration for which the vehicle was parked. If the time
interval is shorter, then there are less chances of missing short-term parkers.
But this method is very labor intensive.
3.3 Methodology Of Parking Studies
• A
comprehensive parking study involves :-
i. Inventory
of existing parking facilities
ii. Identification
of parking generators
iii. Collection
of information on parking demand
Inventory of existing parking facilities
inventory of existing parking facilities is a detailed listing of the location
and all other relevant charismatic of each legal parking ficility, private and
public in the study area. The inventory includes both a\on and off sheet
facilities and the relevant characteristic include the following:-
i. Type
and number of paring spaces of each parking facilities
ii. Times
of operation and limit on duration of parking
iii. Type
of ownership (public or private)
iv. Parking
Fee and method of collection
v. Restriction
(loading and unloading zones,bus stops)
information obtained from an inventory of parking facilities is usefull both to
traffic engineers or planning department. The inventory should be updated at
regular interval of four to five years period.
Collection of Parking Data
data are obtained by checking the amount of parking during regular intervals on
different days of the week. The selection of the times depends on the operation
times of and lead use activities that act as parking generators. The
information obtained is useful in determining hour variations of parking and
peak periods of parking demand.
and duration : Information on turnover and
duration usually obtained by collecting data on a sample of parking spaces in a
given block this is done by recording the license plate of the vehicle parked
on each parking spaces in the sample at the ends of fixed intervals during the
study period
Identification of Parking Generators
involves identifying parking generators (shopping centre, transit terminals)
and locating these on a map of the study area
Parking Demand
on parking demand is obtained by interviewing drivers at the various parking
facilities. Information sought should include:-
i. Trip
ii. Purpose
of trip
iii. Drivers
destination after parking
iv. Location
of the parking facility
v. Time
of arrival and departure
vi. Type
of vehicle
3.4 Parking Survey Study
surveys are carried out to obtain information on parking problems in the area.
The common type of parking students incluce parking supply and usage survey.
Parking Supply Surveys are covered with obtaining detailed information
regarding those on sheet and off sheet features which influence the provision
of parking space existing situation with regard to parking space and how it is
controlled. A typical survey would regain an inventing of the on-sheet and
off-sheet car parked survey the traffic are being studied. A parking supply
survey can be considered as being composed of three main part:-
• i. On-Sheet space inventory
• ii. Sheet regulation inventory
• iii. Off-Sheet space inventory
supply study class provides the basis for evaluating the available space-hours
of parking as well as the parking turn over at any particular location
3.5 Parking Usage Surveys
• The
parking phenemenon is based on the law of supplying and demand, where by supply
is the total number of spaces available within in designed area
• Demand
is the desire to park based solely on the reaction of the trip destination
• Usage
is associated with parking which reflect the desire to park close to the
destination and the desire to park at a reasonable cost.
• If
te parking supply is in excess, then the true demand can be determined by _____
of a (i) Parking Concentration Survey
• If
the parking supply is less, than an indication of the demand may be obtained by
hears of (ii) A direct interview parking survey
- Concentarion study
• The
purpose of a concentration survey is to determine NOT only wheele vehicle. Car
park, BUT also the actual numbers parked at any given instant at all locations
whithin the survey area
• Information
regarding the numbers of vehicles parked (legal or illigally) at each street
and alley are then noted as prepaired form
• Where
manpower is limited,it is generally better to carry out on-sheet survey on a
sample basis using short trip intervals.
• If
sampling is used,care must be taken to ensure that it is representative and
causes all type of parking so that the results can be sealed up to guide a
picture of the whole area
• The
off-street phase of the concentration survey can be carried out by counting
number of vehicles,[arked at regular intervals in each facility(ie. By carrying
a cordow cocat of the vehicles entering and leaving the car park facility)
- Parker Interview Survey
• The
most comprehensive and expensive of parking survey, normally
involvesinterviewing motorists at their places of parking, origins and
destinations of trips and purpose of the trip
• If
required, information must includes the number,sex,age of each vehicles
• When
man power availibility is limited, particularlly in area subject to long
parking duration, parking postcard survey is an alternative desition
• The
problem with this type of survey is that the result obtained from it is
statistically in the occurred unrepresentative and they leads to incorrect
conclusions and deduction.
Type of Parking
i) On
street parking
On street parking means the
vehicles are parked on the sides of the street itself. This will be usually
controlled by government agencies itself. Common types of on-street parking are
as listed below. This classification is based on the angle in which the
vehicles are parked with respect to the road alignment. As per IRC the standard
dimensions of a car is taken as 5× 2.5 metres and that for a truck is 3.75× 7.5
Parallel parking:
The vehicles are parked along the length of the road. Here there is no backward
movement involved while parking or unparking the vehicle. Hence, it is the most
safest parking from the accident perspective. However, it consumes the maximum
curb length and therefore only a minimum number of vehicles can be parked for a
given kerb length. This method of parking produces least obstruction to the
on-going traffic on the road since least road width is used. Parallel parking
of cars is shown in figure 3.1. The length available to park N number of
vehicles, L = N/5.9
30◦ parking: In
thirty degree parking, the vehicles are parked at 30◦ with respect to the
road alignment. In this case, more vehicles can be parked compared to parallel
parking. Also there is better maneuverability. Delay caused to the traffic is
also minimum in this type of parking. An example is shown in figure 3.1. From the
AB = OBsin30◦ = 1.25,
BC = OPcos30◦ = 4.33,
BD = DQcos60◦ = 5,
CD = BD − BC = 5 − 4.33 = 0.67,
AB + BC = 1.25 + 4.33 = 5.58
N vehicles, L = AC + (N-1)CE =5.58+(N-1)5 =0.58+5N
parking: As the angle of parking increases,
more number of vehicles can be parked. Hence compared to parallel parking and
thirty degree parking, more number of vehicles can be accommodated in this type
of parking. From figure 3.2, length of parking space available for parking N
number of vehicles in a given kerb is L = 3.54 N+1.77
parking: The vehicles are parked at 60◦ to the
direction of road. More number of vehicles can be accommodated in this parking
type. From the figure 3.3, length available for parking N vehicles =2.89N+2.16.
angle parking: In right angle parking or 90◦ parking, the vehicles are parked
perpendicular to the direction of the road. Although it consumes maximum width
kerb length required is very little. In this type of parking, the vehicles need
complex maneu-vering and this may cause severe accidents. This arrangement
causes obstruction to the road traffic particularly if the road width is less.
However, it can accommodate maximum number of vehicles for a given kerb length.
An example is shown in figure 3.4. Length available for parking N number of
vehicles is L = 2.5N.
ii) Off
street parking
In many urban centres, some areas
are exclusively allotted for parking which will be at some distance away from
the main stream of traffic. Such a parking is referred to as off-street
parking. They may be operated by either public agencies or private firms. A
typical layout of an off-street parking is shown in figure 3.5.
Example 1
From an in-out survey conducted for
a parking area consisting of 40 bays, the initial count was found to be 25.
Table gives the result of the survey. The number of vehicles coming in and out
of the parking lot for a time interval of 5 minutes is as shown in the table
41:1. Find the accumulation, total parking load, average occupancy and
efficiency of the parking lot.
4.1 Key
4.2 Location Plan
6.0 Recommendation
6.1 Location
provision of parking should be concerned with
the criteria of selection for the parking of vehicles. The location should be
appropriate in order to optimize the use of space. This is to reduce the
waste of any space for the parking requirements. In addition, the selection should be
strategically located which are easy for accessibility to all user to the destinations. The
determination of location also is fundamental when we need to
design he routes flow in and out of the vehicles. This
is to establish the safety and comfort of the user so that there is no conflict
of parking areas.
6.2 Create A ‘User-Friendly’ Design Concept
design of parking should emphasize the use of all type of user. For educational
institutions, the categories of user includes are student, staff or officer
and visitors. The concept of user-friendly should
provide the parking Disable person(OKU). The concept of user friendly should
be design with safe, comfortable, good
accessibility and facilities such asramp, rail walkway
(OKU), rooftops walkway and other related elements.
6.3 Provision
0f Designs of Landscape and Site Amenities
design of landscape should be required in the parking area but it must consider
the suitability of the site proposed. The soft landscape provide comfort and
aesthetics to the parking areas. The characteristics of planting the trees
should be appropriate where the trees have a broad canopy for shade, and also
it does not prevent public view and create a harmonious environment to the
parking area. Besides, for some of the elements of site amenities should also
to be considerin terms of signs, design of parking lots, pavements and other
elements. The provision of signageshould deliver the information clearly and is
placed in an open area to facilitate the public. Furthermore, the design of
parking lots with the appropriate tile elements to attracts. Tile of the
parking lot also is very useful which some of the tiles can absorbs heat and
water flow such as grass crete, pervious concrete and porous asphalt. All the
elements of landscape and amenities is required which able to create aa
systematic of parking area and functional to the user.
6.4 Design
Of the Parking Of Motorcycle
design of the motorcycle parking should be consider for the convenience of the
motorcyclist. It should be designed based on the guidelines that have been set
up. The parking of motorcycle must be contrasted with other transport so that
to build a privacy for the motorcyclist. There must provide an elements such as
bollard in order to give comfort to the user. The safety of the parking also
need to be consider. It must be complemented with the facilities such as a
structural of the steel to lock their own motorcycle. The location of
motorcycle parking also should provide a rooftops place so that to build a convenience to the
on the analysis that have been carried out,
the demand of the parking still need in the study area. The reason is
the number of people who use the parking is increasing day by day. The demand
of parking is increasing for the peoples in educational institution mainly
among the student. There is a lot of illegal parking in such area that are not
supposed to park such as the roadside. This problem could be seen at peak hour
where the area could be crowded. This should make an improvement towards the existing
parking to overcome these problem that have been occurred. It should be design
properly with the provision of some facilities such as rooftop walkway in order
to make peoples to reduce the car usage and to ensure them to walk.
the design of the parking should be optimal and is prepared according to the
planning standards. The number of parking is differences for each of the
landuse. It should be designed with a better site location to create a comfort
and safety toall user. It should be seriously
considered so that there is no conflict in the future development.Therefore, it
can be conclude that the planning of parking should be accurately in order to
create a sustainable environment and better quality for the future user.
1. Traffic
Engineering And Management.Chapter 41. Parking Studies; Dr.
Tom V. Mathew, IIT Bombay; April
2, 2012.
2. Trafic
and transport planning;Parking;UzairiB.Saidin;November 23,2011.
3. State
College traffic and parking survey, Pennsylvania.
Dept. of Highways,1955
4. Houston
Central Business District Parking Survey, Texas Highway Department, Highway
Planning Survey, 1953 - Automobile parking
5. Research
on Transport Economics 2000, By OECD, European Conference of Ministers of
6. City
of Honolulu Parking Survey: Central Business District, The
Survey, 1951
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