Town Planning

Town Planning

Saturday 23 November 2013

What is Urban Planning and what do Urban Planners do?

What is Urban Planning and what do Urban Planners do?

What is Urban Planning and what do Urban Planners do? Some of the above and much more!
On a more serious note urban planning is a diverse and interesting profession, with a range of roles to suit all types. Also known as city planning, town planning or urban and regional planning.
Key tasks include:
§  creating plans for communities to control the development, management and design of urban and suburban areas
§  analysing the compatability of different land uses and negotiating outcomes, as well as analysing economic, environmental and social trends.
According to Wikipedia
“The importance of the urban planner is increasing throughout the 21st century, as we begin to face issues of increased population growth, climate change and unsustainable development” and “An urban planner could be considered as a green collar profession.”

Urban planner has also been identified by the ABC as a “cool” job, see ace day jobs (aimed at school leavers but provides a good  profile of the profession).
If you would like to find out more about urban planning subscribe to the Planning Issue.
A vision without a plan is just a dream. A plan without a vision is just drudgery. But a vision with a plan can change the world. — Proverb

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